The above link will take users offsite to the donation portal hosted by our Fiscal Sponsor, The Field.
The I Know Why She Stayed Initiative is a sponsored artist with The Performance Zone Inc (dba The Field ), a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization serving the performing arts community. Contributions to The Field earmarked for the I Know Why She Stayed Initiative are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information about The Field, or for our national charities registration, contact: The Field, 228 Park Ave S, Suite 97217, New York, NY 10003, phone: 212-691-6969. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained from The Field or from the Office of Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.
*Please note that this is a temporary donation page while we finalize our IndieGogo campaign.
Authors Against Abuse
April 22 – 27, 2025, we will hold a silent auction to raise
The I Know Why She Stayed Initiative is committed to expanding our program and outreach to women globally. This is only possible with the generous support of those who envision a world where women are not at risk. We accept with gratitude the encouragement of those who empower us with your support. We are pleased to share our progress and achievements, and our continued plans for the future.
Progress Regarding Completion of Materials
Since the July 4th, 2024 publication of the memoir, I Know Why She Stayed, the I Know Why She Stayed Initiative team has developed a 4-Pillar Program using the memoir as a foundational tool for educating others about the connection between domestic and financial abuse, and aims to provide resources and information to those who suffer from financial abuse. Our 4-Pillar Program is moving along the stages of development and nearing completion. The fourth pillar is a collaboration between EVE and I Know Why She Stayed to highlight stories of survivors and how they escaped for the purpose of empowering users to envision a brighter future.
We also intend to distribute free materials throughout the community to help people who are already in financially abusive situations. Our 4-Pillar Program is offered in a discreet tool called the PowerPen. The PowerPen has a hidden flash drive which will allow victims to use the program without going online, or leaving a digital footprint that can later be tracked by their abuser. We intend to offer this product for free to domestic abuse shelters and other organizations for victims who need to hide their activities to stay safe.
Forward Momentum
In addition to completing production of our 4-Pillar Program, we are in the process of building additional educational resources in help spread prevention knowledge through high schools and universities. We are also researching other methods of distributing our 4-Pillar Program similar to the PowerPen that can maintain safety while blending seamlessly with the user’s lifestyle. Finally, we also have plans to translate our materials and intend to work with the global organizations that we have connected with to better tailor our program to cultural needs in other regions of the world.
Funding Requests
In order to move forward, the I Know Why She Stayed Initiative is seeking funding to support the completion of our program and launch our distribution efforts into local communities. The I Know Why She Stayed Initiative is working with a fiscal sponsor, The Field, which can accept donations on our behalf.
The I Know Why She Stayed Initiative is passionate about helping survivors escape financial abuse, heal themselves through education and awareness, and rebuild for a safer and more secure future. Your support is essential for our continued growth and greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your consideration and time.
The I Know Why She Stayed Initiative

Women’s rights are eroding under the weaponization of money. While shelters and organizations are available to help, this approach deals with the aftermath of a crisis.
It’s time to educate and empower women who need an exit strategy.
Let’s create a generation of financially literate individuals who know the signs of a controlling partner, so they can avoid the pitfalls of financial abuse in their relationships.
This is where the PowerPens® come into play. As women who understand the struggles of financial abuse, we’ve created a discreet way for women to become educated about financial abuse, financial trauma, financial literacy, and financial freedom through the I Know Why She Stayed Initiative.
The I Know Why She Stayed PowerPen® is a discreet pen with a hidden thumb drive that will contain:
- A digital copy of the memoir I Know Why She Stayed (coming 2024), because storytelling holds power, it creates meaning, and it engages readers, showing them you understand and empathize with their struggle.
- A workbook and reader’s guide to I Know Why She Stayed to help women understand the warning signs of financial abuse, the impacts on a person’s life and why they stayed. Workbooks help us understand our own trauma and how someone else’s story can create understanding of our own lives. According to a study done by Dr. Gail Matthews, a clinical psychologist from Dominican University of California, we are 62% more likely to achieve our goals when we write them down.
- Resources for financial abuse, financial trauma, financial literacy, and financial freedom.
The PowerPen® can also be used to store important documents and vital records needed to safely leave.
By sharing our stories and creating more awareness through the #iknowwhyshestayed hashtag, we believe PowerPens® can give women the tools to stop their own financial abuse at its roots.
I Know Why She Stayed is calling for donations to help launch this initiative into action.
With your donation, PowerPens® will be distributed for FREE to domestic abuse shelters, hospital emergency rooms, college campuses, fire departments, or wherever women might seek help. The first distribution runs are scheduled for North Adams, MA and Austin, TX.
Join us and help engage, educate, and empower a stronger tomorrow.